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Hello, I'm Jennifer Iliana. I'm excited that you've found your way here. With over a decade of experience as a Registered Nurse, I've come understand that true health and wellness stem from holistic alignment. Through my journey, I realized I had relinquished power and felt as though life was happening to me. I searched for external solutions, which only led to despair and a sense of being unaligned.

I was on autopilot, ticking off achievements without pausing to appreciate them. My greatest lesson came when my body reached its limit, manifesting a "mysterious illness" that left healthcare providers puzzled. This experience, which I call my dark night of the soul, pushed me to turn inward and listen to my intuition. For the first time, I felt a comforting embrace and began making choices aligned with my true self.

That “mysterious illness” was ultimately diagnosed as Chronic Lyme Disease and complex PTSD. The inner work I engaged in led to healing from within, and I believe this potential exists for everyone, including you. As a certified Reiki level II, elemental, and crystal healer, I facilitate energetic shifts to remove barriers—physical, mental, and spiritual—so you can achieve your goals.

As a certified alchemist and soul shift healer, I help transform perceived weaknesses into strengths. I am living proof that these methods are effective. My purpose is to heal generational traumas, transforming my own into a gift of healing that I pass on to my children, who embody the shifts at the soul level. I've learned to use the elements as medicine, harnessing power to turn dreams into reality and crystals as allies in raising vibration and aligning with my higher self. I promise to coach you in a way that disrupts current patterns, helping you step off the hamster wheel of autopilot.

My goal is to challenge the status quo respectfully and guide you through fear and resistance without overshadowing your own journey. I believe in your inherent ability to live a thriving life and manifest your dreams. You are deserving of thriving in your purpose. By turning inward and taking action, you hold the power to realize your dreams. Everything you need is within you; you alone can bring your vision to life. Feel free to email me anytime with questions.
As a lifelong student, I am always learning new ways that I can powerfully serve my clients. I am proud to say I am a certified in:

• Alchemy

• Advanced Crystal Healer Level II

•Elemental Healer

•Soul Shifter

•Manifestation Guide

•Oracle and Spirit Channel

•Soul Coaching Oracle Reader

•Living Magic Practitioner

•Living Astrology Practitioner

•Living Sound Healer

•Angel Numerologist

•Reiki Level II Practitioner

Articles, Podcast Episodes & More

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Garnet Health Gems. (2023). IT Offers Wellness Opportunities for Team Members., 13.

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